Data Analyst at CLEAResult Consulting.
Former Mechanical Engineer and former international school math teacher. Always analytical.
I love SQL and finding patterns in data and solving hard problems. I've lived in 13 countries and traveled to many more.
Seeking a new data analyst role.
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I used Excel and data from iFoods (the Brazilian DoorDash) to perform a market analysis offering business insights from customer data.
I used Tableau to analyze education data from the State of Massachusetts. I focused on school success and how it is affected by DEI factors and created a dashbord on Tableau Public
I used data from the World Bank/IDA to practice and develop my SQL skills. I focused on comparing and contrasting the loan landscape for Nigeria and Ghana. This was a very interesting project for me because I worked in Nigeria for 3 years.
I used SQL to analyze healthcare data. I used some advanced SQL functions like CASE, joined tables, and used UNION and CONCAT. This was a challenging project for me but a very interesting one. The data set is massive and I’ve only scratched the surface. I’d love to go back later and mine for additional insights.
I imagined I was a data analyst for the Boston Celtics and used Tableau to analyze data from the 2021-2022 season. I focused on providing insights to the general manager and the coaching staff which might assist the team in making wise decisions during the free agent trading season. I pulished a data story on Tableau Public.
I used Python (and pandas and Seaborn and matplotlib libraries) to analyze manufacturing data from an iron ore flotation plant. I focused on providing insights about any anomolies in the data to the engineering department. I used DeepNote, a browser based IDE and have linked the code/DeepNote project.
I used R to analyze HR data regarding a recent layoff. I focused on investigating connections to data fields and performing hypotheses tests (t-tests and chi-squared tests) to determine if DEI issues were a factor in the layoffs. I used R and the R Studio platform.